Okay, so this week was super fantastic. Malmö is so much fun. Like, I'm still missing Borås, but things are really getting going here in Malmö, and it's been amazing to see how much the Lord has blessed us already even in just the last week.
We've been able to meet a ton with Sanny, our investigator this past week, and it's been absolutely amazing to get to see the changes going on in his life. I think my favorite is probably when he prays in our lessons. He always prays that things will go well with my diabetes and that we'll have success as missionaries, and that we'll extend forever so that we can always stay here as missionaries. I remember one prayer where he called us 'Angel Ludwig' and 'Angel Maxwell.' He's just started making so many changes in his life, and he's doing so well. It is seriously so fun to teach him, and so great getting to see the blessings coming.
Let's see, other highlights this week included going on splits this past week with the sisters in Lund. We had a crazy day running around Malmö, but we got a buttload and a half done, and it was fun getting to see so much of Malmö. So far, I've been able to go out past the fields in the country (sadly, I just missed all the yellow rape seed flowers, but the fields are still amazing) with windmills all over the place, and in downtown Malmö, there's the river, and the Turning Torso, and so many other amazing things to see. It really is beautiful down here, even if every so often I have serious problems with Skånish (kidding! It's just really fun sometimes to listen to the strange ways they pronounce things).
One thing I'm noticing that's lingering from my time in Borås is that I LOVE the rain. It's rained twice in the last week, and it's been HEAVENLY both times. I guess a month and a half of never knowing if it'll be scorching heat or pouring rain had it's effect on me.
Highlights of the week include that one time I saw a reindeer in the grocery store. Like, legit reindeer, once living and now a victim of taxidermy standing in the middle of an add for polarbröd. I could have touched it's fur- already touched that by the way, and it's not too soft- but it was just standing there, in the middle of the grocery store.
Another funny story this week. On the way to the grocery store (where we saw the above mentioned taxidermical exhibition), Syster Ludwig was texting the elders to let them know that we would be at the church soon and it completely escaped her attention that there was a pole right in front of her. I never thought I'd see someone plow into a pole like that anywhere but a movie, but I am here to tell you it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen when without missing a beat she walked straight into the pole and then bounced off again with a confused look on her face that just said 'When did that get there?'
To close, if there's one thing that I definitely feel I've learned this week, it's that I need to do a better job of relying on the Lord. I like to be so stubborn and try to insist I have enough strength on my own to do everything that's demanded of me as a missionary, and sometimes, I just have to admit to myself and the Lord that I can't do it. It is an ENORMOUS work that we have been called to, and to come out and rely only on ourselves stunts our growth in so many ways. I know that I want to go home in eight months changed for the better; I want to be a little stronger, a little more loving, a little more converted, a little more confident, a little more like my Savior. I'm so grateful for the time I've got out here to do that, and I really hope that in the next few months, I can get closer and closer to that goal.
I love you all tons, and I miss you like a fat kid misses cake! Have a great week!
Syster Maxwell
How cool to find your blog! :)