Hejsan allihoppa!
In news not related to dead or dying things, it's been a great week for missionary work. Our investigator, Fontana, is still making leaps and bounds towards baptism, and we're hoping to see that happen in the next few weeks. We also got to meet with a few TU's this who were pretty positive. It's been a huge blessing, and I'm so grateful to finally see the work picking back up. It's fair to say it's taken us this long to get us out of the Christmas rut of everybody leaving or just not being interested. I blame it less on the holidays and more on the lack of sunlight, but in any case, it's been wonderful to see people starting to open up a little more and be more and more willing to stop and talk with us or give us a number so we can call and set up a lesson for the week.
Well, it's been a crazy good week here in the Uppsala. Little weird. It's Bass' last week, so here goes 'killing' (sending home) a companion ROUND 3. After September, I thought my killing days were over, but they managed to pull this one out last second. Oh well, after this, my list of possible victims comes to a big fat zero, so my 'killing sprees' are over. Terrible, right? Oh well. It's been so much fun getting to serve with her for the last seven weeks (it seriously feels like it's been two or three weeks and not seven!), and I'm going to miss her. Oh well. So, the new comp gets in Wednesday, and then it's back to missionary work as usual!
So, this week has been great. I've discovered it's a bird-eat-bird-world out there quite literally. There's a little patch of forest we walk through behind our apartment on the way to the church, and the other day (there's deer that live in there. Just like home!), and as we were walking up, we noticed a bunch of feathers on the ground. At first I thought, 'molting bird' and then we realized it was like, more feathers than any bird sheds when molting, and that it was the big feathers, and then we realized there was blood on the ice. So, we walked into the forest like, 'what the heck' and got down into the trees just in time to see a large bird fly away with a small bird dangling from it's feet, leaving behind all sorts of feathers and blood and other nastiness. Thank you, Sweden, for working so hard to protect nature that it literally lives and dies in your backyard.
We also held a funeral for Bass at district meeting. I made a paper-boat and tried to set it on fire in a giant pot of water so it could float off to Valhalla and she could have a proper viking funeral, but the paper wouldn't hold a flame, so it ended up getting singed around the edges and then sinking to the bottom instead. We might try to reenact this with a more desirable result (such as the boat actually catching on fire and not sinking like a rock). We'll see.
I love you all, and I miss you like a fat kid misses cake.
Syster Maxwell
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